Does Your Foreign-Born Spouse In The US Qualify For A Green Card?

The answer to the question above is yes in many cases, including the following:

  • You may be a U.S. citizen with a husband or wife who is already in this country.
  • You may be a U.S. citizen hoping or planning to marry someone who is in this country working, studying or visiting.
  • You may be a U.S. citizen about to marry a foreign national who entered the country with your cooperation on a fiance(e) visa – or you may have already gotten married within 90 days of your spouse’s entry into the country under these circumstances. Now he or she is ready to apply for adjustment of status to live and work here with a green card.
  • You may be a noncitizen who is married to, or planning to marry, a U.S. citizen in a situation like one of those described above.

Once you are married and both of you are in this country, the non-U.S. citizen spouse may be eligible to apply for a green card as an immediate relative of the U.S. citizen. Your petition applying for adjustment of status should prove that your marriage is bona fide and that the noncitizen meets eligibility requirements.

Jason Karavias, Esq. Is Here To Help

I am an attorney with a law practice dedicated to helping married couples achieve their immigration goals when one spouse is not a U.S. citizen. I am available to help you every step of the way, including preparing you for the vitally important adjustment of status interview with an immigration officer.

You Deserve Personalized Advice

Please note that every case is unique. Anything that you read on a website, including this one or a U.S. government website, may not apply in your situation. This is why it is essential to work closely with an experienced immigration lawyer as you pursue a goal as important as securing your right to live peacefully and securely with your husband or wife in the U.S.

What If Obstacles Arise?

Is there any reason in your case for which the USCIS might exercise discretion and declare that the foreign spouse is not eligible for permanent residency? When we talk, we can explore this possibility if there are doubts about eligibility. In my years of experience as an immigration attorney, I have encountered many special cases and have helped many clients overcome obstacles to getting a green card for the non-U.S. citizen spouse. I have also helped many obtain U.S. citizenship three years after marriage to a citizen, with continuous presence in the U.S.

Schedule A Consultation

I would like to hear your story and explain how I can expedite your application for a green card through marriage to a U.S. citizen when you are already in the country. Call 412-223-7924 or complete an easy intake form.