Using marriage as a method to get a green card isn’t as easy as some may think, and it’s certainly not the easiest way to come to the United States. Most people go through with their marriage because they are legitimately interested in the welfare of their beloved. They want to be together, and they want to be able to live in the United States.
Even so, getting a marriage green card isn’t always easy. The couple has to pass interviews and provide enough proof that they know and care about each other to be able to get the approval for the green card they want. This isn’t always an easy process, and it’s one that is often questioned extensively before the spouse can come to the United States.
Passing a green card interview
With a green card application, you’ll have to answer questions about your spouse. Whether you’re the citizen or you’re an immigrant to the U.S., you need to be prepared to answer truthfully. You’ll be asked for personal information, your residential history and your relationship history. Both you and your spouse (or potential spouse) will be investigated for past criminal convictions. Some other things you may want to provide to support your request include:
- Photos from your wedding, if you’re already married
- Photos that show your life together
- References from family members and friends
So long as you are seeking a green card for the right reasons and have a legitimate marriage or relationship, you should have all you need for the application. If you’re concerned, your attorney can help you with the green card application.